Bibliography for Alabama Research

Brewer, Willis Brief Historical Sketches of Military Units Formed in Alabama During The Civil War Cartersville, GA. Eastern Digital Resources 2002. First published as Alabama: Her History, Resources, War Record, and Public Men From 1540 to 1872 in Montgomery, Alabama by BARRETT & BROWN, STEAM PRINTERS AND BOOK BINDERS. 1872

Brock, The Appomattox Roster. Cartersville, GA. Eastern Digital Resources 2001. Originally published as Vol. 15 of The Southern Historical Society Papers.

Wheeler, Gen. Joseph Confederate Military History. Vol. 7: Alabama. E484C65.1987v7. 458 pgs. Clearwater, SC. Eastern Digital Resources 2001.

Crute, Joseph H., Jr. Units of the Confederate States Army. Midlothian, VA: Derwent Books, 1987.

Sifakis, Stewart. Compendium of the Confederate Armies:...Alabama. NY: Facts on File, 1995.

Time Life Publishers. First Blood. This is Volume 1 of the Time Life Civil War series. It contains information on the actions of the 8th Alabama at First Manassas.

For Additional Research