The Civil War in Arkansas
Alphabetical List of Battles

ba000004Aberdeen, ARJuly 5-6, 1862
ba000016Adams' Bluff, ARJuly 4, 1862
bn000012Adam's Bluff*, ARJune 30, 1862
bn000022Alamo steamer attack Arkansas River, near Dardanelle, ARNov 29, 1864
ba000089Antoine, or Terre Noir Creek*, ARApr. 2. 1864
ba000106Arkadelphia, ARFeb. 15, 1863
ba000107Arkadelphia, ARMarch 29-Apr. 1, 1864
bn000113Arkadelphia*, ARMar 20, 29, 31, Apr 1, 1864
bn000112Arkadelphia, near *, ARFeb 15, 1863
bn000103Arkansas Post, ARJan 10-11, 1863
ba000112Arkansas Post, ARJan. 10-11, 1863
bn000104Arkansas Post, or Fort Hindman, capture of, ARJan 4-17, 1864
ba000113Arkansas River, ARApr. 6-7, 1864
ba000114Arkansas River, ARAug. 17, 1864
bn000106Arkansas River (see Miller's steamer), AR
bn000105Arkansas River *, ARApr 6-7, 1864
bn000111Arkansas River, expedition down to Pine Bluff, ARDec 1, 1864
bn000107Arkansas River, north of, ARMay 13-31, 1864
bn000108Arkansas River, scout and skirmish, ARAug. 27-28, 1864
bn000146Ashley's and Jones' Station, near Devalls Bluff, ARAug. 24, 1864
ba000149Ashley's Mills, ARSept. 7, 1863
bn000147Ashley's Mills, or Ferry Landing*, ARSept 2, 7, 1863
ba000150Ashley's Station, ARAug. 24, 1864
ba000188Augusta, ARApr. 1, 1864
bn000183Augusta, Fitzhugh's Woods, ARApr 1, 1864
bn000018Augusta, near *, ARAug. 10, 1864
bn000182Augusta, near *, ARAug. 10, 1864
ba000190Austin, ARAug. 31, 1863
bn000196Backbone Mountain, or Devil's Backbone, ARSept 1, 1863
ba000207Bailey's, ARJan. 21, 1864
bn000204Bailey's on Crooked Creek, ARJan 23, 1864
ba000215Baker Springs, ARJan. 24, 1864
bn000209Baker's Springs*, ARJan 21, 1864
bn000210Baker's Springs*, ARJan 25, 1864
ba000279Bates Township, AR Nov. 2, 1863
bn000277Bates Township*, ARNov 2, 1863
ba000281Batesville, ARJuly 14, 1862
ba000280Batesville, ARMay 3, 1862
ba000282Batesville, ARFeb. 4, 1863
bn000278Batesville*, ARMay 3, July 14, 1862
bn000278Batesville*, ARJuly 14, 1862
bn000279Batesville*, ARFeb 4, 1863
bn000280Batesville, near Searcy Landing*, ARBetween Jan 29 and Feb 23, 1864
bn000281Batesville, scout from, to Fairview, Denmark, Hilchers Ferry, and Bush's Ford, ARJune 16-17, 1862
ba000318Bayou Cache, ARJuly 6, 1862
bn000325Bayou Cache, ARJuly 6, 1862
bn000335Bayou De View, ARJuly 7, 1862
ba000325Bayou des Arc, ARJuly 14, 1864
bn000334Bayou Des Arc, ARJuly 14, 1864
ba000327Bayou Fourche, ARSept. 10, 1863
bn000337Bayou Fourche, ARSept 10, 1863
ba000336Bayou Meto, ARAug. 26, 1863
ba000337Bayou Meto, ARAug. 27, 1863
ba000338Bayou Meto, ARSept. 1, 1863
ba000339Bayou Meto, ARFeb. 17, 1865
ba000340Bayou Meto, ARFeb. 24, 1865
bn000353Bayou Meto (see Voche's Mrs), AR
ba000341Bayou Meto Bridge, ARSept. 23, 1863
bn000354Bayou Meto Bridge, near*, ARSept 23, 1863
bn000351Bayou Meto, (see Shallow Ford), AR
bn000352Bayou Meto, near and at*, ARFeb 17, 24, 1863
bn000350Bayou Meto, near*, ARAug. 26, 1863
bn000355Bayou Meto, or Reeds Bridge, ARAug. 27, 1863
ba000355Bayou Two Prairies, ARAug. 25, 1863
bn000390Bealer's Ferry, Little Red River*, ARJune 6, 1862
ba000385Beattie's Prairie, AROct. 22, 1862
bn000407Beatties Prairie (see Old Fort Wayne), AR
ba000386Beatty's Mill, ARSept. 1. 1864
bn000408Beattys Mill, near*, ARSept 1, 1864
ba000419Bennett's Bayou, ARMarch 2, 1864
bn001636Bennett's Bayou*, ARMar 2, 1864
bn001638Bennett's Bayou, operations near, ARFeb 16-18, 1865
ba000425Benton, ARDec. 1, 1863
ba000428Benton, ARAug. 18, 1864
ba000427Benton, ARJuly 25, 1864
ba000426Benton, ARJuly 6, 1864
bn001644Benton and Washington counties, expedition in, ARAug. 21-27, 1864
ba000430Benton County, AROct. 20, 1864
bn001645Benton County*, AROct 20, 1864
ba000432Benton Road, ARJuly 19, 1864
ba000433Benton Road, AR Jan. 22, 1865
bn001646Benton Road*, ARMar 24, 1865
bn001647Benton Road, near Little Rock*, ARJuly 19, 1864
bn001648Benton Road, near Little Rock*, ARJan 22, 1865
ba000431Benton Road. Ark., ARMar 23-24, 1864
bn001298Benton, near and at*, ARJuly 6, 25, Aug. 18, 1864
bn001651Benton, near*, ARDec 1, 1863
ba000436Bentonville, ARFeb. 18, 1862
ba000437Bentonville, AR Aug. 15, Sept. 4-5, 1863
ba000438Bentonville, ARJan. 1, 1865
bn001553Bentonville *, ARMay 22, Aug. 15, Sept 4-5, 1863
bn001658Bentonville*, ARJan 1, 1865
ba000500Big Creek, ARJuly 26, 1864
bn001694Big Creek (see Wallace's Ferry), AR
ba000521Big Indian Creek, ARMay 27, 1862
bn001705Big Indian Creek*, ARMay 27, 1862
ba000522Big Lake, ARSept. 8-30, 1863
ba000577Black's Mill, ARFeb. 17. 1864
bn001752Black's Mill*, ARFeb 17, 1864
bn001799Blue Mountains, expedition to, ARJune 19, 1862
ba000660Boggs' Mills, ARJan. 24, 1865
bn001812Boggs' Mills*, ARJan 24, 1865
ba000705Boonesboro, ARNov. 28, 1862
ba000704Boonesboro, ARNov. 7, 1862
bn000624Boonsborough, ARNov 7, *, 28, 1862
bn001851Boston Mountain*, ARNov 9, 1862
bn001852Boston Mountain, or Cane Hill*, ARNov 28, 1862
ba000720Boston Mountains, ARNov. 9, 1862
bn001853Boston Mountains, White Spring*, ARJan 2, 1863
ba000751Branchville, ARJan. 19, 1864
ba000752Branchville, ARMarch 27, 1864
ba000753Branchville, ARMay 27, 1864
bn001198Branchville*, ARJan 19, Mar 27, 1864
ba000789Brewer's Lane, ARSept. 11, 1864
bn001896Brewers Lane*, ARSept 11, 1864
bn001916Brookhaven*, ARMar 27, 1864
ba000819Brooks' Mill, ARMarch 27. 1864
ba000834Brownsville, ARAug. 25, 1863
ba000833Brownsville, ARJuly 25, 1863
ba000835Brownsville, ARSept. 14-16, 1863
ba000836Brownsville, ARJuly 13, 1864
ba000837Brownsville, ARJuly 30, 1864
ba000838Brownsville, ARSept. 4, 1864
bn001926Brownsville, ARSept 16,1862
bn001929Brownsville, expedition from, to Arkansas Post, ARDec 7-13, 1864
bn001336Brownsville, expedition from, to Fairview, ARNov 28 - Dec 8, 1864
bn001930Brownville (see Hay Station No 3), AR
bn000997Brownville, expedition from, to Cotton Plant, AROct 26-Nov 2, 1864
bn001931Brownville, expedition from, to DesArc, ARDec 6, 1864
ba000873Buck Horn, ARMay 25, 1864
bn001951Buck Horn*, ARMay 25, 1864
ba000880Buckskull, ARNov. 20. 1864
bn001958Buckskull*, ARNov 20, 1864
ba000887Buffalo City, ARMarch 2, 1864
bn001965Buffalo City, near*, ARMar 1, 1864
ba000893Buffalo Mountain, AROct. 24-26, 1863
bn001968Buffalo Mountains*, AROct 24, 1863
ba000894Buffalo River, ARDec. 25, 1863
bn001969Buffalo River*, ARDec 25, 1863
ba000902Bull Bayou, ARAug. 26, 1864
ba000901Bull Bayou, ARAug. 7, 1864
bn001975Bull Bayou*, ARAug. 7, 1864
ba000949Burrowsville, ARJan. 23, 1864
bn002002Burrowsville, near*, ARJune 23, 1864
bn002007Bush's Ford (see Batesville), AR
ba000952Bushy Creek, ARDec. 9, 1861
bn002023Cache River (see Cotton Plant), AR
ba000975Cache River Bridge, ARMay 28, 1862
bn002024Cache River Bridge*, ARMay 28, 1862
bn002025Cache River*, ARJuly 7, 1862
ba000978Caddo Gap, ARNov. 11, 1863
ba000979Caddo Gap and Scott's Farm, ARFeb. 12, 1864
bn002028Caddo Gap*, ARNov 11, 1863
bn001287Caddo Gap*, ARJan 26, feb, 12, 16, 1864
ba000980Caddo Mill, ARDec. 14, 1863
bn002029Caddo Mill*, ARDec 14, 1863
ba001003Calico Rock, ARMay 26, 1862
ba001012Camden, ARMarch 23-May 3, 1864
bn001496Camden, at and near*, ARApr 15, 16-18, 20, 23, 24, 1864
bn001001Camden, expedtion, ARMar 23-May 3, 1864
bn001359Camden-Monticello, vicinity of, ARBetween Jan 26-31, 1865
ba001022Camp Babcock, ARNov. 25, 1862
ba001052Cane Hill, ARNov. 25, 1862
ba001053Cane Hill, ARNov. 28, 1862
ba001051Cane Hill, ARNov. 9, 1862
ba001054Cane Hill, ARDec. 20, 1862, and Jan. 2, 1863
ba001055Cane Hill, ARNov. 6, 1864
bn002073Cane Hill and Fayetteville, between, ARNov 9, 1862
bn002074Cane Hill*, ARJan 2, 1863
bn002075Cane Hill*, ARNov 6, 1864
bn002076Cane Hill, about, ARDec 4-6, 1862
bn000592Cane Hill, near*, ARNov 25, Dec 20, 1862
bn002077Cane Hill, or Boston Mountain, ARNov 28, 1862
ba001090Carrollton, ARJan. 10, 1863
ba001092Carrollton, ARAug. 15, 1864
ba001091Carrollton, ARMarch 13, 1864
bn002105Carrollton*, ARJan 20, 1863
bn001138Carrollton*, ARMar 13, Aug. 15, 1864
ba001112Carthage, ARNov. 21, 1862
bn002121Cassville, Mo., expedition from to Fayetteville, ARAug. 23-28, 1864
ba001165Cedar Glade, ARMarch 1, 1864
bn002145Cedar Glade*, ARMar 1, 1864
bn002155Celeste, steamer (see Commercial), AR
ba001195Chalk Bluff, ARMay 15, 1862
ba001197Chalk Bluff, ARApr. 1, 1863
ba001196Chalk Bluff, ARMarch 10, 1863
ba001198Chalk Bluff, ARMay 1, 1863
ba001199Chalk Bluff, ARMay 11, 1865
bn002176Chalk Bluff *, ARApr 1, 1863
bn002177Chalk Bluff, St. Francis River *, ARMay 1-2 1864
bn002178Chalk Bluffs*, ARMay 15, 1862
ba001246Charlestown, ARApr. 4, 1864
bn002232Charlestown*, ARApr 4, 1864
ba001287Cherokee Bay, ARMay 8, 1864
bn002261Cherokee Bay*, ARMay 8, 1864
ba001334Cincinnati, ARNov. 6, 1864
bn002302Cincinnati, near*, ARNov 6, 1864
bn002311Clapper's Saw Mill, Crooked Creek*, ARMar 31, 1863
ba001341Clapper's Sawmill, ARMarch 31, 1863
bn002312Clara Bell, attack on, in White River, ARJuly 24, 1864
bn002314Clarendon, ARAug. 15, 1862
ba001345Clarendon, ARJan. - , 1863
ba001347Clarendon, ARJune 24, 1864
ba001348Clarendon, ARJune 26, 1864
ba001346Clarendon, ARMarch 15, 1864
ba001349Clarendon, AROct. 11, 1864
bn002315Clarendon (see Perry, J.D., steamer), AR
bn002316Clarendon (see Resolute Steamer, attack on), AR
ba001344Clarendon Expedition, ARAug. 4-17, 1862
bn001194Clarendon, at or near*, ARMar 15, June 26, 1864
bn002318Clarendon, expedition to Lawrenceville and St Charles, ARSept 11-13, 1862
bn002319Clarendon, naval, ARJune 24, 1864
bn002320Clarendon, near*, ARApr 1, 1863
ba001359Clarksville, ARNov. 8, 1863
ba001358Clarksville, AROct. 28, 1863
ba001360Clarksville, ARApr. 3, 1864
ba001361Clarksville, ARMay 18, 1864
ba001363Clarksville, AROct. 9, 1864
ba001362Clarksville, ARSept. 28, 1864
ba001364Clarksville, ARJan. 18, 1865
bn000876Clarksville*, AROct 28, Nov 24, 1863
bn001524Clarksville*, ARApr 3, May 18, Sept 28, Oct 9, 1864
ba001372Clear Creek, ARJan. 22, 1864
ba001373Clear Creek, ARFeb. 11, 1865
bn002336Clear Creek*, ARJune 22, 1864
bn002337Clear Creek*, ARFeb 11, 1865
ba001382Clear Lake, ARMarch 11, 1865
bn002384Coldwater, Miss., expedition from Helena, ARJuly 23-25, 1862
ba001476Columbia, ARJune 2, 1864
bn002395Columbia (see Old River Lake), AR
bn002407Columbia, naval, ARJune 1-2, 1864
bn002436Commercial and Celeste, steamers attack on Gregory's Landing, White River, ARSept 4, 1864
ba001570Cotton Plant, ARMay 14, 1862
ba001571Cotton Plant, ARApr. 21, 1864
ba001572Cotton Plant, ARApr. 22, 1864
bn000701Cotton Plant or Hills Plantation, ARMay 14, *, July 7, 1862
bn002487Cotton Plant, Cache River, ARApr 21, 1864
bn002488Cotton Plant, near, ARApr 22, 1864
ba001582Cove Creek, ARNov. 8, 1862
bn002498Cove Creek*, ARNov 8, 1862
ba001616Crawford County, ARNov. 25, 1863
bn002524Crawford County*, ARNov 25, 1863
bn001152Crawford County*, ARAug. 11, Oct 19, 1864
ba001632Crooked Creek, ARFeb. 5, 1864
bn001234Crooked Creek (see Bailey's), ARJan 23, Feb 5,*, 1864
ba001640Cross Hollow, AROct. 18, 1862
ba001639Cross Hollow, ARJuly , 1863
bn002541Cross Hollow*, AROct 18, 1862
bn000720Cross Hollow, at and near*, ARMar 30, July --1863
ba001642Cross-Roads, ARMarch 21, 1864
bn002548Cross-Roads, near*, ARMar 27, 1864
ba001647Crowley's Ridge, ARMay 11, 1863
bn002549Crowley's Ridge or Taylor's Creek*, ARMay 11, 1863
ba001699Cypress Bend, ARFeb. 19, 1863
bn002591Cypress Bend*, ARFeb 19, 1863
ba001703Cypress Creek, ARDec. 1, 1864
ba001702Cypress Creek, ARMay 13, 1864
bn001106Cypress Creek, near Perry County*, ARMay 13, Dec 1, 1864
ba001712Dallas, ARJan. 28, 1864
bn002601Dallas *, ARJan 28, 1864
ba001739Danville, ARMarch 28, 1864
bn002622Danville*, ARMar 28, 1864
bn002626Daranelle, attack on steamer Alamo, near, ARNov 29, 1864
ba001751Dardanelle, ARSept. 9, 1863
ba001755Dardanelle, ARAug. 30 1864
ba001752Dardanelle, ARJan. 14, 1864
ba001753Dardanelle, ARMay 10, 1864
ba001754Dardanelle, ARMay 17, 1864
ba001756Dardanelle, ARNov. 29, 1864
bn002631Dardanelle, ARJan 14, 1865
bn002633Dardanelle*, ARSept 12, 1863
bn001321Dardanelle, at and near*, ARMay 10, 15, Aug. 30, 1864
bn002634Dardanelle, capture of, ARMay 17, 1864
bn002692Denmark (see Batesville), AR
ba001832Des Arc, ARJan. 17, 1863
ba001833Des Arc, ARJuly 26, 1864
ba001836Devall's Bluff, ARJuly 6, 1862
ba001838Devall's Bluff, ARDec. 1, 1863
ba001839Devall's Bluff, ARDec. 12. 1863
ba001837Devall's Bluff, ARJan. 17, 1863
ba001841Devall's Bluff, ARAug. 24, 1864
ba001843Devall's Bluff, ARDec. 13, 1864
ba001840Devall's Bluff, ARMay 22, 1864
ba001842Devall's Bluff, ARNov. 2, 1864
ba001844Devall's Bluff, ARFeb. 9-19. 1865
bn002699Devall's Bluff (see Pine Bluff), AR
bn000724Devall's Bluff*, ARDec 1, 12, 1863
bn002700Devall's Bluff, Ashleys and Jones Station, ARAug. 24, 1864
bn002701Devall's Bluff, capture of, ARJan 17, 1863
bn002702Devall's Bluff, expedition (see Little Rock), AROct 16-17, 1864
bn002703Devall's Bluff, expedition (see White River), AR
bn002704Devall's Bluff, naval, ARJuly 16, 1863
bn001434Devall's Bluff, near, ARMay 22, Nov 2, Dec 13, 1864
bn002705Devall's Bluff, near*, ARJuly 6, 1862
bn002706Devall's Bluff, to Augusta, expedtion, ARDec 7-8, 1864
bn001297Devall's Bluff, to West Point*, ARBetween Nov 16 and 18, 1864
ba001846Devil's Backbone, ARSept. 1, 1863
bn002707Devil's Backbone, or Backbone Mountain, ARSept 1, 1863
ba001863Ditch Bayou, ARJune 6, 1864
bn002723Ditch Bayou (see old River Lake), AR
ba001886Douglas' Plantation, ARFeb. 22, 1865
ba001887Dover, ARMarch 25, 1864
bn002744Dover*, ARMar 25, 1864
ba001908Dripping Springs, ARDec. 28, 1862
bn002768Dudley Lake, near*, ARDec 16, 1864
ba001954Dutch Mills, ARApr. 14, 1864
bn002785Dutch Mills*, ARApr 14, 1864
bn002842Elizabethtown, AROct 1, 1863
bn002852Elkhorn Tavern or Pea Ridge, ARMar 6-8, 1862
bn002853Elkhorn Tavern*, AROct 16, 1862
ba001995Elkins' Ferry, ARApr. 3-4, 1864
bn002854Elkin's Ferry, Little Missouri River, ARApr 3-4, 1864
ba002005Elm Springs, ARJuly 30-31, 1863
bn000901Elm Springs, at or near, ARApr 26, July 30, 1863
bn002878Eudora Church *, ARMay 9, 1864
bn000696Eunice, expedition from Helena, ARAug. 28 - Sept 3, 1862
bn002880EveningShade*, AROct 7, 1863
bn002902Fairview* (see Batesville), ARJune 7, 1862
ba002055Farr's Mills, ARJuly 14, 1864
bn002920Fawn-Naumkeag and Tyler, U.S.S., engagement with Shelby's forces, White River, ARJune 24-25, 1864
ba002059Fayetteville, ARDec. 7, 1862
ba002058Fayetteville, ARJuly 15, 1862
bn000690Fayetteville, ARJuly 15, Oct 24, 27, 1862
bn000949Fayetteville, ARApr 18, June 4, *, Aug. 23, *, 1863
ba002060Fayetteville, ARApr. 18, 1863
ba002061Fayetteville, ARAug. 23, 1863
ba002063Fayetteville, ARJune 24, 1864
ba002062Fayetteville, ARMay 19, 1864
ba002064Fayetteville, AROct. 28, 1864
bn002927Fayetteville and Cane Hill, between, ARNov 9, 1862
bn001578Fayetteville, at and near, ARMay 19, * June 24, Aug. 27,*,28, 1864
bn002929Fayetteville, demonstrations against, AROct 11-14, 1863
bn002933Fayetteville, Oxford Bend, AROct 28, 1862
bn002940Ferry's Ford*, AROct 7, 1863
bn002941Ferry's Landing (see Ashley's Mills), AR
ba002072Fish Bayou, ARJune 6, 1864
bn002944Fish Bayou (see Old River Lake), ARJune 6, 1864
ba002086Fitzhugh's Woods, ARApr. 1. 1864
bn002950Fitzhugh's Woods, near Augusta, ARApr 1, 1864
ba002096Flint Creek, ARMarch 6, 1864
bn002965Flint Creek*, ARSept 4-5, 1863
bn002966Flint Creek*, ARMar 6, 1864
ba002143Fort Davis, ARDec. - , 1862
ba002168Fort Hindman, ARJan. 11, 1863
bn003060Fort Hindman or Arkansas Post, ARJan 11, 1863
bn003061Fort Hindman, or Arkansas Post, capture of, ARJan 4-17, 1863
ba002202Fort Smith, ARSept. 1, 1863
ba002203Fort Smith, ARAug. 24, 1864
bn003132Fort Smith expedition (see Little Rock), AR
bn003133Fort Smith, (see Massard Prairie), ARJuly 27, 1864
bn001442Fort Smith, near and at, ARJuly 31, Sept 1,*,11,*,23, Oct 14, *, Dec 24, *, 1864
bn003134Fort Smith, occupied by Union forces, ARSept 1, 1863
bn000843Fort Smith, opposite*, ARMar 5, May 15, 1863
bn003135Fort Smith, seizure of, ARApr 23, 1861
bn003158Fouche-le-Faix Mountains*, ARNov 11, 1863
bn000853Frog Bayou, near and at*, ARFeb 12, Mar 19, 1863
bn003228Gaines' Landing*, ARJuly 20, 1862
bn003229Gaines' Landing*, ARJune 28, 1863
bn003240Galloway's Farm, near Jacksonport, ARJune 2, 1862
bn003275Gerald Mountain*, ARAug. 24, 1864
bn003304Glass Village, near*, ARSept 8, 1864
ba002338Grand Haze, ARJuly 4, 1862
ba002341Grand Prairie, ARJuly 6, 1862
bn003356Grand Prairie, ARAug. 17, 1863
bn003396Green's Dr., farm, near Lawrenceville*, ARNov 19, 1863
ba002369Green's Farm, ARNov. 19, 1863
bn003410Gregeory's Landing ( see Commercial, steamer), AR
ba002382Gregory's Landing, ARSept. 4, 1864
bn003441Hagenwood Station ( see Moffat's Station), Ark, AR
ba002407Haguewood Station, ARSept. 27, 1863
ba002408Hahn's Farm, ARJune 19, 1864
bn003448Hahn's farm, near Waldren*, ARJune 19, 1864
bn003452Half-way House, between Little Rock and Pine Bluff*, AROct 25, 1864
bn003512Harrison's Landing*, ARAug. 16, 1863
bn003534Hatch's Ferry*, ARAug. 9, 1864
ba002476Hay Station, ARJuly 30, 1864
bn003541Hay Station, No 3, near Brownville*, ARJuly 30, 1864
ba002478Hazen's Farm, ARNov. 2, 1864
bn003548Hazen's farm, near Devall's Bluff, ARNov 2, 1864
ba002483Helena, ARAug. 11-14, 1862
ba002486Helena, ARDec. 14. 1862
ba002485Helena, ARDec. 5, 1862
ba002484Helena, AROct. 11, 1862
ba002482Helena, ARSept. 19-20, 1862
ba002487Helena, ARJuly 4, 1863
bn001469Helena, at and near*, ARJuly 14, Aug. 11, Sept 19-20, Oct 11, 18, 20, 22, 25, Dec 5, 14, 23, 1862
bn003554Helena, expedition from , to Kent's Landing, ARAug. 11-13, 1864
bn003556Helena, expedition from, to BuckIsland, Mississippi River, ARJuly 13-16, 1864
bn003557Helena, expedition to Clarendon, ARAug. 4-17, 1862
bn003558Helena, expedition to Marianna, ARJuly 24-26, 1862
bn003559Helena, expedition to mouth of the White River, ARAug. 5-8, 1862
bn003560Helena, expedition to Old Town and Trenton, ARJuly 28-31, 1862
bn000697Helena, expedtition to Eunice, ARAug. 28, to Sept 3, 1862
bn000811Helena, near, ARJan 1, 12, *, May 25, *, July 4, 1863
bn003583Hickory Plains*, ARAug. 7, 1864
ba002501Hickory Station, ARApr. 2, 1865
bn003584Hickory Station, near*, ARApr 2, 1865
bn003590Hilcher's Ferry ( see Batesville), AR
ba002510Hill's Plantation, ARJuly 7, 1862
bn003591Hill's Plantation, ARJuly 7, 1862
bn003592Hill's Plantation ( see Cotton Plantation), AR
bn003609Hog Eye*, ARSept 4-5, 1863
bn003630Hopefield, ARMar 14, 1864
bn003631Hopefield, burning of, ARFeb 19, 1863
bn003644Horse Head Creek*, ARFeb 17, 1864
ba002545Hot Springs, ARFeb. 4, 1864
bn003647Hot Springs*, ARFeb 4, 1864
bn003650Houston, Mo., scout into and skirmish*, ARFeb 5-17, 1864
bn003682Huntersville, near*, ARJuly 8, 1864
ba002576Huntsville, ARNov. 9, 1863
bn003685Huntsville*, AROct 22, 1862
bn003686Huntsville*, ARJan 6, 1865
bn003689Huntsville, near*, ARNov 9, 1863
ba002582Hurricane Creek, AROct. 23, 1864
bn003694Hurricane Creek*, AROct 23, 1864
ba002592Illinois Creek, ARDec. 7, 1862
ba002602Indian Bay, ARApr. 13, 1864
bn001132Indian Bay*, ARFeb 16, Apr 13, 1864
bn003736Island No. 65, near*, ARMay 23, 1863
bn003737Island No. 65, near, Mississippi River*, ARMay 1863
ba002628Ivey's Ford, ARJan. 17, 1865
bn001365Ivey's Ford, at and near, ARJan 8, *, 17, 1865
bn003756Jackson*, ARAug. 3, 1862
bn003757Jackson*, ARMar 3, 1864
bn003767Jacksonport, ARJune 12, 1862
ba002646Jacksonport, ARDec. 23, 1863
bn000945Jacksonport, ARNov 21, Dec 23, *, 1863
ba002645Jacksonport, ARNov. 21, 1863
ba002647Jacksonport, ARApr. 24, 1864
bn003768Jacksonport, attack on, ARApr 20, 1864
bn003769Jacksonport, Galloway's Farm, ARJune 2, 1862
bn001305Jacksonport, near*, ARBetween Apr 22, and 24, 1864
bn003821Jenkins' Ferry, ARApr 30, 1864
ba002668Jenkins' Ferry, ARApr. 30, 1864
bn003826Jenny Lind*, ARSept 1, 1863
bn003833Johnson County*, ARJan 7, 1865
bn003845Jones ( see Ashley's Station), AR
ba002696Jones' Hay Station, ARAug. 24, 1864
ba002686Jonesboro, ARAug. 3, 1862
bn003852Jonesborough, ARAug. 2, 1862
bn003893Kendal's gristmill ( see White River expedition), AR
ba002723Kickapoo Bottom, ARMay 29, 1862
bn003906Kickapoo Bottom, near Sylamore*, ARMay 29, 1862
ba002738King's River, ARApr. 19, 1864
bn003917Kings River (see Osage Branch), AR
bn001154Kings River*, ARJan 10, Apr 19, 1864
ba002740Kingston, AROct. 10, 1863
bn003923Kingston, near*, ARNov 10, 1863
bn003939Knight's Cove, near*, ARJune 19, 1862
ba002776La Grange, ARNov. 8, 1862
ba002777La Grange, ARMay 1, 1863
bn003967LaGrange*, ARMay 1, 1863
bn001585LaGrange*, ARSept 6, Nov 1, 8, Dec 30, 1862
ba002780Lake Chicot, ARJune 6, 1864
bn003973Lake Chicot ( see Old River Lake), ARJune 6, 1864
ba002787Lake Village, ARJune 6, 1864
bn001235Lake Village*, ARFeb 10, June 6, 1864
bn003990Lamb's Plantation, near Helena*, ARAug. 1, 1864
ba002800L'Anguille Ferry, ARAug. 3, 1862
bn004018Lawrence, near Green's Farm*, ARNov 19, 1863
bn004041Lee's Creek*, ARMay 1, 1864
ba002858Lewisburg, ARJan. 17, 1864
ba002859Lewisburg, ARFeb. 12, 1865
bn000991Lewisburg, at and near*, ARJan 17, June 10 between Sept 9 and 12, Dec 5, 6, 1864
bn004068Lewisburg, expedition from to Fort Smith, ARNov 5-23, 1864
bn001164Lewisburg, expedition from to Strahans Landing, ARNov 26- Dec 2, 1864
bn004070Lewisburg, near*, ARFeb 12, 1865
ba002886Liberty Postoffice, ARApr. 16, 1864
bn004086Liberty Post-Office*, ARApr 16, 1864
ba002887Lick Creek, ARJan. 12, 1863
bn004092Lick Creek, near Helena*, ARJan 12, 1863
bn004093Licking (see Salem), AR
ba002891Limestone Valley, ARApr. 17, 1864
bn004103Limestone Valley*, ARApr 17, 1864
bn004111Litchfield*, ARMay 2, 1862
ba002912Little Missouri, ARApr. 6, 1864
bn004127Little Missouri River ( see Elkin's Ferry), AR
bn001236Little Missouri River*, ARJan 25, Apr 6, 1864
ba002918Little Red River, ARJune 25, 1862
ba002917Little Red River, ARJune 7, 1862
ba002916Little Red River, ARMay 17, 1862
bn000700Little Red River, ARMay 17, June 5, 7, 1862
bn004131Little Red River ( see Bealer's Ferry), AR
bn004143Little River, swamps of*, ARApr 5-9, 1864
ba002922Little Rock, ARSept. 10, 1863
ba002923Little Rock, ARMay 28, 1864
bn004144Little Rock ( see Benton Road), AR
bn001332Little Rock and Devall's Bluff, expedition from, to Searcy, Fairview, and Augusta, ARAug. 27 - Sept 6, 1864
bn004145Little Rock and Pine Bluff ( see Halfway House), AR
bn004146Little Rock Arsenal, seizure of, ARFeb 8, 1861
bn004147Little Rock Expediton from, to Benton, ARNov 2-3, 1864
ba002925Little Rock Road, ARApr. 2, 1863
bn004149Little Rock Road*, ARApr 2, 1863
bn000746Little Rock, advance upon, ARAug. 1-Sept 14, 1863
bn004150Little Rock, capture of, ARSept 10, 1863
bn004151Little Rock, expedition from, to Fagan's Ford, Saline River, ARNov 17-18, 1864
bn001283Little Rock, expedition from, to Fort Smith, ARSept 25 - Oct 13, 1864
bn004152Little Rock, expedition from, to Little Red River, ARAug. 6-16, 1864
bn004153Little Rock, near*, ARJan 22, 1865
bn001590Little Rock, near*, ARApr 26, May 24, 28, July 10, 19, Sept 2, 1864
ba002949Long View, ARMarch 29, 1864
bn004193Long View*, ARMar 29, 1864
ba002979Luna Landing, ARFeb. 22, 1864
bn004231Luna Landing*, ARFeb 22, 1864
bn001184Lunenburg*, ARJan 20 or 24, 1864
ba003011Madison, ARApr. 4. 1863
ba003010Madison, ARMarch, 1863
ba003012Madison, ARFeb. 12, 1865
bn004254Madison County*, ARJan 15, 1865
bn000882Madison*, ARMar --- June 25, 1863
bn004259Madison, near*, ARFeb 12, 1865
ba003046Marianna, ARNov. 8, 1862
bn004297Marianna, *, ARNov 7, 1862
bn004298Marianna, expedition from Helena, ARJuly 24-26, 1862
ba003050Marion, ARJan. 20-21, 1865
bn001349Marion, at and near*, ARJan 20, 21, 1865
ba003055Marks' Mills, ARApr. 5, 1864
bn004304Mark's Mills, ARApr 25, 1864
bn004305Mark's Mills*, ARApr 5, 1864
ba003074Martin's Creek, ARJan. 7, 1864
bn004319Martin's Creek*, ARJan 7, 1864
bn004342Massard Prairie, near Fort Smith, ARJuly 27, 1864
ba003090Maysville, ARJan., 1863
ba003091Maysville, ARSept. 5, 1863
bn004361Maysville, near, AROct 22, 1862
bn000912Maysville, near*, ARJan ---, Sept 5, 1863
bn001172Maysville, near*, ARMay 8, July 20, 1864
ba003092Maysville. Ark., ARMay 8, 1864
ba003093Mazzard's Prairie, ARJul 21, 1864
bn004373McGuire's, AROct 28, 1862
ba002995McGuire's, AROct. 12. 1863
bn004374McGuire's Ferry, ARSept 23, 1862
bn004375McGuire's, near Fayetteville, AROct 12, 1863
ba003000McMilley's Farm, ARFeb. 27, 1865
bn004381McMilley's Farm*, ARFeb 27, 1865
bn004398Meffleton Lodge*, ARJune 29, 1864
bn004423Merriweather's Ferry, Bayou Boeuf*, ARDec 13, 1863
bn004462Miller, steamer, capture of, on Arkansas River near Pine Bluff, ARAug. 17, 1864
bn004492Missouri River, upper, AROct 10, 1862
ba003179Moffat's Station, ARSept. 27, 1863
bn004511Moffat's Station, or Hagnewood Station, Franklin County*, ARSept 27, 1863
bn004536Monticell Road*, ARMay 16, 1865
ba003203Monticello, ARJan. 13-14, 1864
ba003204Monticello, ARMarch 18, 1864
ba003205Monticello, ARMay 24, 1864
ba003206Monticello, ARSept. 10, 1864
bn004537Monticello ( see Camden), AR
ba003209Monticello Road, ARJune 17, 1864
bn004539Monticello Road, near Pine Bluff*, ARJune 17, 1864
bn004540Monticello*, ARMay 24, 1865
bn000989Monticello, at and near*, ARMar 18, Sept 10, 1864
ba003233Morgan's Mill, ARFeb. 9, 1864
bn004556Morgan's Mill Spring River*, ARFeb 9, 1864
bn004572Moro Bottom*, ARApr 25-26, 1864
bn004586Moscow, ARApr 13, 1864
ba003248Moscow, ARApr. 13, 1864
bn004594Mound City, burning of, ARJan 15, 1863
ba003274Mount Elba, ARMarch 28-30. 1864
bn001536Mount Elba, ARMar 28, *, 30, Oct 3, * 1864
bn004603Mount Ida*, ARNov 13, 1863
ba003289Mount Vernon, ARMay 11, 1863
bn004619Mount Vernon*, ARMay 11, 1863
bn004628Mountain Fork*, ARFeb 4, 1864
bn004632Mountain Home*, AROct 17, 1862
ba003299Mud Town, ARAug. 24. 1864
bn004649Mudtown*, ARDec 9, 1862
bn004650Mudtown*, ARAug. 24, 1864
bn000762Mulberry river, near mouth of*, ARFeb 2, 3, 1863
bn004656Mulberry Springs*, ARJan 26, 1863
ba003303Mullberry River, ARFeb. 3, 1863
bn004709Naumkeag, Fawn, and Tyler, U.S.S. engagement between Shelby's forces, White River, ARJune 24-25, 1864
bn004798Newton County, ARNov 15, 1863
bn000427Norristown, near and at*, ARMay 19, Sept 6, between 9 and 12, 1864
ba003466Oil Trough Bottom, ARMarch 24, 1864
bn001053Oil Trough Bottom, at and near*, ARMar 24, 27, 1864
bn004883Okolona*, ARApr 2-3, 1864
bn004888Old Fort Wayne, or Beatties Prairie, near Marysville, AROct 22, 1862
ba003478Old River Lake, ARJune 6, 1864
bn004891Old River Lake, Lake Chicot, Ditch Bayou, or Columbia Fish Bayou, ARJune 6, 1864
bn004893Old Town and Trenton expedition, ARJuly 28-31, 1862
ba003499Osage Branch, ARApr. 16. 1864
bn004917Osage Branch of King's River*, ARApr 16, 1864
bn004920Osage Springs*, ARFeb 28, 1862
ba003501Osceola, ARAug. 2, 1864
bn001165Osceola*, ARApr 5-9, Aug. 2, 1864
bn004928Ouachita River, ARApr 29, 1864
ba003505Ouachita River, ARApr. 29, 1864
ba003521Oxford Bend, AROct. 28, 1862
bn004941Oxford Bend, White River, Fayetteville, AROct 28, 1862
bn004947Ozark*, AROct 29, 1863
bn005017Pea Ridge or Elkhorn Tavern, ARMar 6-8, 1862
ba003594Pemiscot Bayou, ARApr. 6, 1864
ba003600Perry County, ARDec. 3, 1864
bn005048Perry County*, ARDec 3, 1864
bn005049Perry, J. D., steamer, attack on, Clarendon, ARSept 9, 1864
ba003617Petit Jean, ARJuly 10, 1864
bn005070Petit Jean, near*, ARJuly 10, 1864
ba003645Pikeville, ARJune 26, 1864
ba003276Pilount Ida, ARNov. 13, 1863
bn005106Pine Bluff, AROct 25, 1863
ba003655Pine Bluff, AROct. 25, 1863
ba003658Pine Bluff, AR July 2, 1864
ba003659Pine Bluff, ARJuly 22. 1864
ba003660Pine Bluff, ARJuly 30, 1864
ba003656Pine Bluff, ARJune 17, 1864
ba003657Pine Bluff, ARJune 21, 1864
ba003661Pine Bluff, ARSept. 11, 1864
ba003662Pine Bluff, ARJan. 9, 1865
ba003663Pine Bluff, ARMarch 4, 1865
bn001547Pine Bluff , near*, ARJan 9, Feb 11, Mar 4, 1865
bn005107Pine Bluff and Little Rock ( see Halfway House), AR
bn005108Pine Bluff Scout from to Douglas Plantation*, ARFeb 21-22, 1865
bn005109Pine Bluff to Devalls Bluff, scout with skirmish, ARFeb 9-19, 1865
bn001588Pine Bluff, at and near*, ARMay 1, 21, June 17, July 22, 30, Aug. 18, Sept - 1864
bn005111Pine Bluff, capture of steamer Miller near, ARAug. 17, 1864
bn005112Pine Bluff, expedition from, toward Montecello, ARSept 9-11, 1864
bn005113Pine Bluff, seizure of U.S. stores, ARApr 18, 1861
bn005123Piney Mountains*, ARApr 6, 1864
bn000612Pitmans Ferry, AROct 27, Nov 25, 1862
ba003679Pitman's Ferry, ARNov. 25. 1862
ba003678Pitman's Ferry, AROct. 27, 1862
bn005163Pocahontas*, ARApr 21, 1862
bn005165Pocahontas*, ARFeb 10, 1864
ba003729Poison Spring, ARApr. 18, 1864
bn005183Poison Spring, near Camden, ARApr 18, 1864
ba003731Polk's Plantation, ARMay 25. 1863
bn005185Polk's Plantation, near Helena*, ARMay 25, 1863
bn005204Pope County*, ARFeb 5, 1863
ba003778Potts' Hill, ARFeb. 16, 1862
bn005257Prairie D' Ane*, ARApr 9-12, 1864
ba003791Prairie D'Ane, ARApr. 9-12, 1864
ba003794Prairie Grove, ARApr. 7, 1864
ba003793Prairie Grove, Fayetteville or Illinois Creek, ARDec. 7, 1862
bn005260Prairie Grove, near*, ARApr 6-7, 1864
ba003808Princeton, ARDec. 8, 1863
ba003809Princeton, ARApr. 28, 1864
ba003810Princeton, AROct. 21, 1864
bn005273Princeton*, ARDec 8, 1863
bn005275Princeton, near*, ARApr 28, 1864
bn005294Queen City, U.S.S. capture of, on White River, ARJune 24, 1864
ba003846Quitman, ARSept. 2, 1864
bn001166Quitman, near*, ARMar 26, Sept 2, 1864
bn005339Rector's Farm*, ARDec 19, 1864
ba003895Red Mound, ARApr. 17, 1864
bn005349Red Mound*, ARApr 17, 1864
ba003907Reed's Bridge, ARAug. 27, 1863
bn005362Reed's Bridge, or Bayou Meto, ARAug. 27, 1863
ba003908Reed's Mountain, ARDec. 6, 1862
ba003910Reeves' Mill, ARNov. 19, 1864
ba003912Remount Camp, ARAug. 5, 1864
bn005370Remount Camp, near*, ARAug. 5, 1864
bn005375Resolute, steamer, attack on White River near Clarendon, AROct 11, 1864
bn005379Rhea's Mills, ARNov 7, 1862
ba003920Rhea's Mills, ARNov. 7, 1862
bn005380Rhea's Mills*, ARApr 7, 1864
ba003925Richland Creek, ARApr. 13-14, 1864
ba003927Richland Creek, ARAug. 16, 1864
ba003926Richland Creek, ARMay 3-5, 1864
bn001556Richland Creek, at and near*, ARApr 11, 13-14, May 3, 5, Aug. 16, 1864
bn001187Richland, at and near*, ARSept 6, Dec 24, 1864
ba003987Rockport, ARMarch 25, 1864
bn005447Rockport*, ARMar 25, 1864
ba004003Rodgers' Crossing, ARSept. 14, 1864
bn005465Rodgers' Crossing, White River*, ARSept 14, 1864
ba004004Rodgers' Plantation, ARApr. 25, 1865
bn005466Rodgers' Plantation*, ARApr 25, 1865
ba004023Rolling Prairie, ARFeb. 4, 1864
ba004022Rolling Prairie, ARJan. 23, 1864
bn001225Rolling Prairie*, ARJan 23, Feb 4, 1864
bn001077Rolling Prairie, expedition to Batesville*, ARMar 19-Apr 4, 1864
ba004032Roseville, ARNov. 12, 1863
ba004033Roseville, ARMarch 29 to Apr. 5, 1864
bn005493Roseville Creek*, ARMar 20, 1864
bn005494Roseville*, ARNov 12, 1863
bn001285Roseville*, ARMar 29, Apr 4-5, 15, 1864
ba004034Ross Landing, ARFeb. 14, 1864
bn005495Ross Landing*, ARFeb 14, 1864
ba005076Round Hill, ARJuly 7, 1862
bn005502Round Hill*, ARJuly 7, 1862
bn005507Round Prairie*, ARSept 4-5, 1863
bn001280Russellville*, ARBetween Sept 9 and 12, 1864
ba004091Saint Charles, ARJune 17, 1862
ba004092Saint Charles, ARSept. 12, 1862
ba004093Saint Charles, ARJan. 13, 1863
ba004094Saint Charles, AROct. 22, 1864
ba004096Saint Francis County, ARApr. 8, 1863
ba004097Saint Francis Road, ARDec. 23, 1862
ba004108Salem, ARMay 29, 1864
bn001353Salem and Licking, scout from, to Spring River Mills, with skirmish*, ARFeb 23-Mar 2, 1865
bn005547Salem, capture of wagon train, ARMay 29, 1864
bn005552Saline Bottom, near*, ARApr 29, 1864
bn001544Saline River, ARBetween Jan 22 and Feb 4, 1865
bn005554Saline River*, ARFeb 15, 1864
ba004163Scatterville, ARJuly 10, 1862
bn005618Scatterville*, ARAug. 3, 1862
bn005619Scatterville*, ARJuly 28, 1864
bn005624Scott's Farm, Washita Cove*, ARFeb 14, 1864
ba004173Searcy, ARJul. 4, 1864
ba004172Searcy, ARMay 18, 1864
bn005632Searcy County, ARDec 31, 1863
bn005633Searcy County*, ARJuly 4, 1864
ba004175Searcy Landing, ARMay 19, 1862
bn005634Searcy Landing, ARMay 19, 1862
bn005635Searcy Landing, expedition to West Point, Searcy, and Bayou Des Arc with skirmish, ARMay 27, 1862
bn001432Searcy, at and near*, ARMay 18, June 2, Aug. 13, Sept 6, 13, 1864
bn000857Shallow Ford, Bayou Meto, ARAug. 30, Sept 2, 1863
bn005686Shells' Mills, AROct 16, 1862
bn005687Shell's Mills, ARSept 9 1861
ba004301Smithville, ARJune 17, 1862
bn005768Smithville, ARJune 17, 1862
bn005769Smithville, near, ARApr 13, 1864
ba004307Snake Creek, ARApr. 23, 1865
bn005775Snake Creek*, ARApr 23, 1865
ba004361Spavinaw, ARMay 13, 1864
bn005831Spavinaw*, ARMay 13, 1864
bn005841Spring Creek, ARMar 18, 1864
bn005854Spring River, ARMar 13, 1862
ba004391Spring River, ARMar. 13, 1862
ba004392Spring River, ARApr. 13, 1864
bn005855Spring River Mills ( see Salem), AR
bn005858Spring River, near Smithville*, ARApr 13, 1864
bn005866Springfield, expedition to Fort Smith*, ARNov 5-16, 1864
bn005874St. Charles, ARJune 17, 1862
bn005875St. Charles ( see Union Transport), AR
bn005877St. Charles*, ARNov 24, 1864
bn005878St. Charles*, ARApr 11, 1865
bn005880St. Charles, capture of, ARJan 13, 1863
bn005881St. Francis County*, ARApr 8, 1863
bn005882St. Francis River ( see Chalk Bluff), AR
bn005883St. Francis Road, near Helena*, ARDec 23, 1862
ba004406Steele's Expedition to Camden, ARMarch 23-May 3, 1864
ba004423Stewart's Plantation, ARJune 27, 1862
bn005940Stewart's Plantation*, ARJune 27, 1862
ba004441Stone's Farm, ARApr. 5, 1864
bn005971Stony Point*, ARMay 20, 1864
ba004468Stroud's Store, ARDec. 23, 1863
bn005981Stroud's Store*, ARDec 23, 1863
ba004479Sugar Creek, ARFeb. 16-17, 1862
bn000577Sugar Creek, AROct 17, 1862
ba004486Sugar Loaf Prairie, ARJan. 12, 1865
bn005997Sugar Loaf Prairie, near, ARJan 12, 1865
bn006003Sulphur Springs*, ARJan 25, 1864
bn006020Sunnyside Landing*, ARJune 7, 1864
bn006028Swan Lake, ARApr 23, 1864
ba004501Swan Lake, ARApr. 23, 1864
ba004517Sylamore, ARMay 29, 1862
bn006043Sylamore, ARJan 25, 1864
ba004518Sylamore, ARJan. 24-27, 1864
bn006044Sylamore Creek*, ARJan 26, 1864
bn006045Sylamore, Kickapoo Bottom, ARMay 29, 1862
ba004527Talbot's Ferry, ARApr. 19, 1862
bn006054Talbot's Ferry*, ARApr 19, 1862
bn006063Tannery, near Little Rock*, ARSept 2, 1864
ba004538Taylor's Creek, ARMay 11, 1863
bn006069Taylor's Creek or Crowley's Ridge*, ARMay 11, 1863
ba004555Terre Noir Creek, ARApr. 2, 1864
bn006092Terre Noir Creek, or Antoine*, ARApr 2, 1864
ba004588Threlkeld's Ferry, ARFeb. 5, 1863
bn006117Threlkeld's Ferry*, ARFeb--, 1863
ba004596Tomahawk Crossing, ARJan. 22, 1864
bn006131Tomahawk Gap*, ARFeb 9, 1864
bn006132Tomahawk*, ARJune 22, 1864
bn006150Trenton*, AROct 14, 1862
ba004633Tulip, AR Oct. 11, 1863
bn000890Tulip*, AROct 10, 12, 27, 1863
bn006199Tyler, Naumkeag and Fawn, U.S.S., engagement between Shelby's forces, ARJune 24-25, 1864
bn006222Union Transport, attack on White River near St. Charles, AROct 22, 1864
ba004700Vache Grass, ARSept. 26. 1864
bn006240Vache Grass*, ARSept 26, 1864
ba004706Van Buren, ARDec. 28, 1862
ba004707Van Buren, ARFeb. 10, 1863
ba004708Van Buren, ARAug. 12, 1864
ba004709Van Buren, ARApr. 2, 1865
bn006247Van Buren County*, ARMar 25, 1864
bn001428Van Buren*, ARApr 12, July 7, Aug. 12, 1864
bn006249Van Buren, capture of, ARDec 28, 1862
bn006251Van Buren, near*, ARFeb 10, 1863
bn006252Van Buren, near*, ARApr 2, 1865
bn006257Vance's Store*, AROct 2, 1863
ba004751Village Creek, ARJune 12, 1862
bn006293Village Creek*(see Waddell's farm), ARMay 21, 1862
bn006294Village Creek, Waddell's farm*, ARJune 12, 1862
ba004754Vine Prairie, ARFeb. 2, 1863
bn006297Vine Prairie, on White Oak River*, ARFeb 2-3, 1863
bn006301Voche's Mrs., vicinity of Bayou Meto*, ARFeb 23, 1865
ba004758Waddell's Farm, ARJune 12, 1862
ba004759Waddell's Farm, ARJune 27, 1862
bn006306Waddell's Farm, near Village Creek*, ARJune 12, 1862
ba004766Waldron, ARDec. 29, 1863
ba004765Waldron, ARSept. 11, 1863
ba004767Waldron, ARFeb. 1, 1864
bn001572Waldron, ARSept 11*, Oct 6*, Dec 9, 29, 1863
bn001586Waldron, at and near*, ARBetween Jan 21 and 25, Feb 1, June 19, 1864
ba004773Wallace's Ferry, ARJuly 26, 1864
bn006317Wallace's Ferry, Big Creek, ARJuly 26, 1864
bn006348Washington and Benton Counties, expedition in*, ARAug. 21-27, 1864
bn006350Washington County*, ARFeb 17, 1865
bn006353Washington*, ARAug. 29, 1863
bn006354Washington*, ARMay 28,, 1864
bn006355Washington*, ARMar 11, 1865
bn006360Washita Cove ( see Scott's Farm), AR
ba004836Waugh's Farm, ARFeb. 19, 1864
ba004873West Point, ARAug. 14, 1863
ba004875West Point, ARJuly 28, 1864
ba004874West Point, ARJune 16, 1864
bn006428West Point*, ARAug. 14, 1863
bn006429West Point*, ARJune 16, 1864
bn006434West Point, scout to Deval's Bluff*, ARNov 16-18, 1864
bn006454White County, ARMay 27, 1862
bn006455White County*, ARFeb 9, 1864
ba004897White Oak Creek, ARApr. 14, 1864
ba004898White Oak Creek, ARSept. 29, 1864
bn001531White Oak Creek*, ARApr 14, Aug. 11, Sept 29, 1864
ba004912White River, ARJan. 13-19, 1863
ba004913White River, ARMarch 22, 1863
ba004914White River, ARMarch 25, 1864
ba004916White River, AROct. 22, 1864
ba004915White River, ARSept. 14, 1864
bn006488White River, ARSept 14, 1864
bn006489White River ( see Commercial, steamer), AR
bn006490White River ( see Fawn U.S.S.), AR
bn006491White River ( see Naumkeag), AR
bn006492White River ( see Resolute, steamer), AR
bn006493White River ( see Tyler, U.S.S.), AR
bn006494White River ( see Union transport), AR
ba004919White River Station, ARJune 22, 1864
bn006495White River Station*, ARJune 22, 1864
bn006496White River*, ARMay 6, 1862
bn000931White River*, ARMar 6, Apr 9, 1863
bn001095White River, attack on steamer, AROct 11, 22, 1864
bn001218White River, expedition from Helena, with affair at Kendall's Grist Mill, ARAug. 29- Sept 3, 1864
bn006498White River, expedition from mouth of, to Helena, ARAug. 5-8, 1862
bn006499White River, expedition up, from Devall's Bluff, ARDec 13-15, 1864
bn006500White River, near, ARMar 25, 1864
bn006502White River, near head of*, ARMar 22, 1863
bn000537White River, operations on, ARJune 10-July 14, 1862
bn006503White River, Oxford Bend, AROct 28, 1862
bn006504White Spring, Boston Mountains*, ARJan 2, 1863
ba004923White Springs, ARJan. 2, 1863
ba004892Whiteley's Mills, ARApr. 5, 1864
bn006508Whiteley's Mills*, ARApr 5, 1864
ba004929Whitmore's Mill, ARApr. 30, 1864
bn006519Whitmore's Mill*, ARApr 30, 1864
ba005071Wolf Creek, ARApr. 2, 1864
bn006600Wolf Creek*, ARApr 2, 1864
bn006628Worthington's Landing*, ARJune 5, 1864
bn006646Yell County*, ARAug. 22, 1864
bn001100Yell County, scout and skirmish*, ARJuly 22-Aug. 11, 1864
bn006652Yellville*, ARJune 25, 1862
bn006653Yellville, near*, ARMar 13-26, 1864

For Additional Research