Index to Illinois Civil War Soldiers

Three state wide indexes to Illinois Soldiers are available for searching for individual soldiers.

Illinois State Archives

Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System

Index to Illinois Civil War Soldiers Found Elsewhere

This NEW index contains references to records of Illinois Civil War Soldiers found in other state archives, cemetery records, books, websites, census records, etc. It contains 12,000 entries.

Search the Illinois Soldiers Index

Last Name: 
First Name:  

This index contains over 352,000 records. To search the index, enter the exact spelling for the Last name. For First names, a partial match is allowed.

Be sure and check alternate spellings as names are often misspelled in the records. For example "Hammond" returns 29 records while "Hammonds" returns 8, "Hammon" returns 5 records, and "Hammons" shows 1 record.

This index is available in PDF format or in paperback which allows you to browse the records to spot alternate and close match spellings.

For Additional Research