South Carolina County Cross Reference

This is an on-going effort to identify where the various companies organized in South Carolina originated. Some details may be found in River's Account of the Raising of the Troops, but generally speaking, the organization of most of the units is unknown.


CountyCounty seat Created Origin
Abbeville Abbeville 1785 Ninety Six District
Aiken Aiken 1871 Barnwell, Edgefield, Lexington, and Orangeburg
Allendale Allendale 1919 Barnwell and Hampton
Anderson Anderson 1826 Pendleton District
Bamberg Bamberg 1897 Barnwell
Barnwell Barnwell 1798 Orangeburg
Beaufort Beaufort 1769 1769 Judicial District
Berkeley Moncks Corner 1882 Charleston
Calhoun St. Matthews 1908 Lexington and Orangeburg
Charleston Charleston 1769 1769 Judicial District
Cherokee Gaffney 1897 Spartanburg, Union, and York
Chester Chester 1785 Camden District
Chesterfield Chesterfield 1798 Cheraws District
Clarendon Manning 1855 Sumter
Colleton Walterboro 1800 Charleston
Darlington Darlington 1785 Cheraws District
Dillon Dillon 1910 Marion
Dorchester St. George 1868 Berkeley and Colleton
Edgefield Edgefield 1785 Ninety-Six District
Fairfield Winnsboro 1785 Camden District
Florence Florence 1888 Clarendon, Darlington, Marion, and Williamsburg
Georgetown Georgetown 1769 1769 Judicial District
Greenville Greenville 1798 Washington District
Greenwood Greenwood 1897 Abbeville and Edgefield
Hampton Hampton 1787 Beaufort
Horry Conway 1801 Georgetown
Jasper Ridgeland 1912 Beaufort and Hampton
Kershaw Camden 1798 Claremont, Fairfield, Lancaster, and Richland
Lancaster Lancaster 1798 Camden District
Laurens Laurens 1785 Ninety-Six District
Lee Bishopville 1902 Darlington, Kershaw, and Sumter
Lexington Lexington 1804 Orangeburg
Marion Marion 1800 Georgetown
Marlboro Bennettsville 1798 Cheraws District
McCormick McCormick 1914 Abbeville, Edgefield, and Greenwood
Newberry Newberry 1785 Ninety-Six District
Oconee Walhalla 1868 Pickens
Orangeburg Orangeburg 1769 1769 Judicial District
Pickens Pickens 1826 Pendleton District
Richland Columbia 1799 Camden District
Saluda Saluda 1896 Edgefield
Spartanburg Spartanburg 1785 Ninety-Six District
Sumter Sumter 1798 Claremont, Clarendon, and Salem
Union Union 1798 Ninety-Six District
Williamsburg Kingstree 1802 Georgetown District
York York 1798 Camden District

The following units were formed of men from across the state or the organization of the unit is unknown.

SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - 2nd Company H - Cherokee Pond Volunteers
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Gregg's) - Company I - Monticello Guards
SC 1st Infantry Regiment (Hagood's) - 2nd Company I

For Additional Research