3074 Research OnLine - Battles in Tennessee

Battles in Tennessee

Tennessee's landscape contains many powerful reminders of the Civil War. Shiloh, Fort Donelson, Stones River, and Chickamauga / Chattanooga National Battlefields are critical sites preserved by the National Park Service. This military landscape extends beyond the battlefields to churches where soldiers camped, houses where doctors amputated, farmsteads where soldiers stole and plundered, and cemeteries where loved ones were buried. These sites have served as significant places of conflict, memory, and identity for generations of Tennesseans.

A study done by the Tennessee State Archives identifies 3,245 combat events in Tennessee. This site identifies the events by date with details.

  • Tennessee Battles - Alphabetical
  • Tennessee Battles - 1861
  • Tennessee Battles - 1862
  • Tennessee Battles - 1863
  • Tennessee Battles - 1864
  • Tennessee Battles - 1865

  • Click to enlarge.

    Sources: http://www.tnsos.net/TSLA/cwsourcebook/intro.php

    For Additional Research