Virginia Civil War Photos

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468. Residence of Jefferson Davis (1201 East Clay Street), Close View - Richmond, VA

472. The Governor's Mansion - Richmond, VA, 1865

499. Fire Engine No. 3 - Richmond, VA

616. Railroad Bridge and Old Dominion Iron and Nail Works on Belle Isle - Richmond, VA, April 1865

617. Guns and Ruined Buildings Near the Tredegar Iron Works - Richmond, VA, April 1865

618. View of the Tredegar Iron Works, with Footbridge to Neilson's Island - Richmond, VA, April 1865

628. Residence of General Robert E. Lee (707 East Franklin Street) - Richmond, VA, 1865

670. Ruins of the Gallego Flour Mill - Richmond, VA, April 1865

672. Haxall & Crenshaw's Flour Mill, Canal Lock in Foreground - Richmond, VA, 1865

711. Damaged Locomotives - Richmond, VA, 1865

712. Crippled Locomotive, Richmond & Petersburg Railroad Depot - Richmond, VA, 1865

719. General View - Richmond, VA, April 1865

720. General View of the Burned District - Richmond, VA, April 1865

721. Ruins of Paper Mill with Water Wheel - Richmond, VA, 1865

73. Libby Prison - Richmond, VA, April 1865

707. Side View of Libby Prison - Richmond, VA, 1865

708. Side and Rear View of Libby Prison - Richmond, VA, 1865

267. 20 Pound Parrott Rifled Guns of the 1st New York Battery - Near Richmond VA, June 1862

488. Engineers Building Corduroy Road - Near Richmond VA, June 1862

221. Captured Siege Guns at Rocketts (View 1) - Richmond, VA, 1865

222. Captured Siege Guns at Rocketts (View 2) - Richmond, VA, 1865

773. New York Newspaper Correspondents' Row (between 4th and 5th Streets) - Richmond, VA, 1865

For Additional Research